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  2. Accredited Awards

Accredited Awards

The Basic Skills Quality Mark is an accreditation that schools in all sectors may achieve.


It is an award that shows that a school demonstrates a long-term commitment to providing good teaching, learning and resources in literacy and numeracy, along with effective systems of planning, monitoring and evaluating pupil progress and provision.

The National Clean Air Award, an initiative by the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, is the first UK wide scheme to reward employers who implement effective workplace no-smoking policies by giving them a prestigious nationally recognised award and providing guidance to help get their policy right.

Our child’s school has made a commitment to gain healthy school status and worked on healthy schools criteria in order to achieve this.

The aim of the Healthy Schools Programme is to improve the physical and emotional health of children and therefore contribute to raising educational standards and attainment.


A Healthy School promotes the health and well-being of its pupils and staff through a well-planned, taught curriculum in a physical and emotional environment that promotes learning and healthy lifestyle choices.


Parent & carers are an important member of our school community and can support your child’s school maintain healthy school status.

Achievement of this Standard shows that our school is financially well managed by Staff and Governors.


FMSiS aims to give formal recognition of the level of financial and budget management that is already present in our school. FMSiS is a mandatory requirement to provide assurance to the Department for Education , HM Treasury, National Audit Office and Local Authorities that schools have adequate arrangements in place to manage their resources effectively.

The Active Mark celebrates the work we do in school to keep ourselves physically fit and active.

The PE and sports provision within the curriculum and after school is designed to help us all stay as healthy as possible. We enjoy being active as it helps us to learn.

We received this award for offering our pupils 120 minutes of quality Physical Education each week.

We offer clubs at lunchtime and after school and have both girls and boys involved in all sports.

We believe that sport and activity is very important and also provides us with a lot of fun and opportunities for celebration!