1. Key Information
  2. Safeguarding


Safeguarding 2024-25

At Highwoods Academy, it is of vital importance that all of our pupils are happy and safe at all times, both in school and at home. As part of our ‘duty of care’, every school is required to refer concerns to the Children’s Social Care Department. In general, we would seek to discuss these concerns with the family first and where possible, have agreement on making a referral. However, this will only be done where such discussion and agreement will not place a child at an increased risk of harm. This procedure is intended to protect children from abuse. When we refer a concern about a pupil to Social Care, we are not accusing the parents/carers of abuse, but requesting that further enquiries take place and that any necessary help and support is provided.

If you have any concerns about the health and safety of any child or young person at this school, or feel that something may be troubling them, you must share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away. Some issues, for example, a child’s appearance, hygiene or general behaviour can be shared with any teacher or member of support staff here.

Please do not worry that you may be reporting what you feel are minor issues - we would rather you let us know of any concerns, however small, rather than miss a worrying situation. When these smaller issues are recorded, they may help lead to a more serious issue being avoided.

If you feel that the matter is very serious and may be related to a child protection concern e.g evidence of possible physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you MUST speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) immediately. It’s our job to help. These are;

     Mr Rust     Miss Rann          Mrs Mitchell 
Head Teacher Acting Deputy Headteacher Welfare & Safeguarding Manager


In the unlikely event of being unable to contact any of these members of staff, please ask one of our office team to locate them and inform them that you need to discuss an urgent and confidential matter.

Any allegations or disclosure involving a member of staff, parent, a child’s foster carer or volunteer at this school MUST be reported directly to the Head Teacher, Mr Rust,  without delay. If the allegation involves the Head Teacher, it must be reported without delay to our Chair of Governors, Ms. J. Birkinshaw, who is also our Designated Safeguarding Governor. She can be contacted via the main office on 01709 583273

Further documentation detailing guidance & support (including our safeguarding policy and relevant DfE publications) is available on our safeguarding notice board in school and upon request from our office team.


Our thanks for supporting the safeguarding of children at our school

“It is our ‘duty of care’ to act upon the information you give us”


 Highwoods Safeguarding Policy 2024-25.pdfDownload
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