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  3. Year 1

Year 1

Class Name: Willow

Year Group: 1


Welcome to Year 1, also known as Willow class
Welcome to Year 1, also known as Willow class.
Year 1 is the first step into Key Stage One and children are carefully transitioned into this new and exciting journey.


At the start of the year children complete a range of child initiated activities and small group work, building up to accessing the KS1 curriculum independently and becoming confident learners.


In year one children complete a range of engaging, practical and cooperative activities to support their learning. We strive to ensure that children become independent, confident learners who enjoy school and receive a range of experiences!


This year we will be learning about our grownups past, all about where the Queen lives, animals- including dinosaurs! As well as finding out about the North Pole and even doing some cooking!


We can’t wait for you to be a part of our team!


Home Learning

We expect children to read at least 3 times a week. Their reading record needs filling in and bringing to school every time they read – then they can earn Class Charts points!
Children can read their school book as well as a book from home, a sign or even a menu!- anything helps! We aim to change books once per week- so it is important that children bring their book bag to school everyday.

We also expect children to practice their phonics as much as possible as this is how they learn to read! They can use their phonics booklets (which will be provided)or they could use our favourite phonics games https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

In year one children will be participating in regular PE sessions so will need to bring an outdoor and indoor kit every day and remove earrings – Children will be changing for PE regularly so it would be helpful if they can change independently.
Other home learning will be set throughout the year and will be a range of different activities (e.g. spelling, phonics, collecting information from a parent).


In year one we value the importance of working with our parents so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Marsh or Mrs Haigh!


Our learning for this term…
1/2 term plans will appear here


Spelling list for the year

Teacher & Staff


Miss P Marsh


Year 1 Teacher


Mrs L Haigh


Year 1 Teaching Assistant