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  3. Year 3

Year 3

Class Name: Elm

Year Group: 3


Welcome to Year 3, also known as Elm Class.

Year 3 is the first step into Key Stage Two. It will be a year that is filled with new, fun challenges as well as a new playground a lunch sitting!

In Year 3, children are welcome to bring in a fruit snack for morning break time.

We have a wide variety of experiences and topics to get our teeth stuck into and you will be starting French lessons for the first time too! We will be learning about Mexborough’s Railway Heritage, the Stone Age and Volcanoes as well as Light, Rocks, Magnets and Animals.

We look forward to a fun hardworking year with you!


Home Learning

We expect children to read at least 3 times a week. Their reading record needs filling in and bringing to school every time they read – then they can earn Class Charts points and make their way up our Super Readers Chart!

We will be changing reading books approximately every two weeks (day to be confirmed). Even if children finish their book during this time, they can re-read again to help with their fluency. When they bring reading books back to school, children will earn even more Class Charts points!

Children will be given a login username and password for Times Tables Rockstars www.ttrockstars.com This is a really useful online game children can play at home to help them learn their times tables.

PE days will be confirmed but it is really useful if children can bring their indoor and outdoor PE kits on a Monday and leave them at school for the week, taking them home on Friday. This means that they will benefit from maximum PE opportunities throughout the week.

Other homework will be set throughout the year. This could be in the form of some maths, spelling or handwriting practise or it could be a mini project or even something to make, linked to our Design Technology work in school.

We value parental support with children’s learning so please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any questions.


Our learning for this term..
1/2 term plans will appear here


Spelling list for the year


 Teachers & Staff


Miss A Breeze


Senior Midday Supervisor

Year 3


Ms S Adams


Year 3 Teacher

Senior Leadership Team

KS1 Lead